
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

6 Beauty Sins I Am Guilty Of

Just because we are beauty bloggers doesn’t mean that we are perfect, or that we always follow the standard beauty rules. Actually, we all have our flaws and we are definitely guilty of several beauty sins. At least I know I am.

So I am ready to tell you what I do wrong in my daily beauty/ make-up routine, and maybe this can work as a reminder too, because you know the saying: acceptance is the first step to recovery.


1. I don’t use a primer

I always underestimated the importance of a primer. Not proud of it, but hey, it’s the truth. Until a few months ago, I didn’t really know how or why would you use one. I tried one or two primers so far, didn’t like the results, so now I am searching for that awesome great product that would help my make-up last all day long. But right now as we speak, I don’t have one in my make-up bag.

2. I discriminate between my make-up brushes when it comes to washing them

I wash my foundation brushes and sponges regularly, as often as I can, because I want to avoid any breakouts. Same goes for my concealer and eyeliner brushes. But when it comes to eyeshadow, blush or powder brushes… it’s like I always forget to wash them. I just stare at them and say “eh, you can work for a week more, you’re not so dirty” :)) Am I the only one?

3. I don’t use lip brushes or lip pencils too often

I never apply lipstick with a brush, and I don’t usually use a lip pencil to contour my lips before applying lipstick. Exceptions: red lipstick (in any form) or dark liquid lipsticks (which can get messy very easy). Otherwise, I just use the sharp side of the lipstick to contour the lip edges, and then cover them up with color. Lazy, but it works.

4. I don’t pay enough attention to SPF

If a CC cream or foundation has it, that’s great; if not, I don’t bother using other products for this purpose only. I know we should be a lot more careful, and I definitely have to start working on this… but right now, I am not so self-conscious. Don’t be like me 🙂

5. I rarely use make-up on my lower lash-line

Not sure if this is a beauty sin or not, but I know many people think that a make-up look is not complete if you leave the lower part undone. I usually do it only for evening make-up or shootings, but not so much on a daily basis – because I tend to scratch that area too often, so I don’t want to end up looking like a baby panda.

6. I use a mascara for more than 3 months

I know you are supposed to throw it away after 3 months, but if it doesn’t change its smell or consistency, I continue to use it. Until now, I never met a mascara that didn’t last 4-5 months before starting to dry out or smell bad.

There, you have it! 6 beauty sins I’m guilty of. In the past, I also did some nasty stuff, like sleeping with my make-up on (worst! choice! ever!) or over-tweezing my eyebrows (goodbye, silly teenager beauty standards). But oh well, those days are luckily gone, and I started to actually take care of my skin, and to improve the quality of the beauty products I use.

What are the beauty sins you are guilty of? Do you relate to any of these on my list? Let’s have a good laugh, but also learn from each other 🙂






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14 Comment

    1. Uuh, that’s awesome, great job! Hope I’ll manage to fix the others too and stop being a sinner :)) I’ll probably start with the SPF, since we’re getting so close to the hot season. Thanks for stopping by. Kisses

    1. Hey Corina, multumesc frumos 🙂 Se pare ca suntem mai multe, deci welcome to the group 🙂 Daca ma gandesc bine, ar fi aproape imposibil sa respecti toate regulile de beauty si make-up, deci e normal sa mai calcam stramb din cand in cand :)) Te pup, mersi de vizita!

    1. Thanks Denisa! I feel a bit relieved now that I know I’m not the only one to mess up when it comes to certain beauty rules 🙂
      I also used to fall asleep with my make-up on a few years ago, but now I try to be as careful as possible with my skin, to avoid any bad breakouts and to keep it healthy. But of course, if it happens ocassionally, there’s no need to worry. Kisses

  1. Great post! I dont use a primer either, I always forget about it or I dont have time!! And yes, I also use my mascara for over 3 months.

    1. Hi Yiota, thanks for the comment. I would probably wear primer if I’d actually find a really good one, but for now I’m just applying the make-up without it and hoping for the best :)) Kisses

    1. Hei Adela! Ha ha, ma bucur ca nu sunt singura 🙂 Desi arata mult mai bine machiajul cand te ocupi si de linia genelor inferioare, parca nu merita efortul zi de zi :)) Kisses

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