Hair, Skin & Body Care Routine – Spring 2019

Hello, ladies! Era și cazul să revin cu un articol de genul acesta, în care să vă povestesc câte ceva despre produsele mele preferate din ultima perioadă. Am zis să le adun pe toate la un loc, să vă spun una alta despre ce am mai folosit în ultima vreme pentru îngrijirea pielii, a părului […]

My Summer Beauty Essentials – Skincare, Make-up, Hair

Hello guys! There’s a new video up on my YouTube channel. This time we’re building a summer beauty kit, with all the cool products that help us survive during the hot summer days. I included some skincare, hair care and make-up products, and these are my essentials for this season. I’ve been using them a lot lately […]

May & June Favorites – Beauty Products

Hello lovelies! I just posted a new YouTube video, where I talk about the beauty products I’ve been using a lot in May & June. You can find below the full list of products mentioned in the video. Batiste Dry Shampoo Original Syoss Oleo Riche Nourishing Oil-Conditioner for dry hair Garnier Ultra Doux Argan Oil […]

My Hair Care Routine with Syoss Full Hair 5

Hi lovelies! I can’t believe I finally get to talk about my favorite hair care products. I’ve been so hyped on make-up and fashion lately, that I kinda neglected other beauty topics (#sorrynotsorry). But I need to confess that I am madly in love with the Syoss Full Hair 5 collection. My hair has been happy, […]