Hi lovelies! I’ve recently seen this awesome tag on The Glam Surge, one of my new favorite beauty blogs, and I thought it would be fun to answer these questions here. Feel free to leave your answers in the comment section below as well, or take over the tag if you also have a blog.
How old were you when you first started wearing make-up?
I was still in secondary school when I first started wearing lipstick and eyeshadow. At the time, I didn’t have many products, just a couple of cheap items. And I was obsessed with blue shadows (as every other teenage girl in the 90’s).
How did you get into make-up?
One of my close friends at the time was wearing make-up at school every day. So this made me curious and excited to try it myself as well. I played around with her khajal eye pencils and colorful eyeshadows at first, and it was fun. So then I started buying my own products (most of them from Avon or Ruby Rose, because they were cheaper).
What are some of your favourite brands?
I am a huge fan of good quality, but affordable drugstore brands. Some of my favorites are Maybelline, NYX, Sleek and Rimmel London. I also like Makeup Revolution, L’Oreal and Benefit.
What does make-up mean to you?
It’s a hobby, a passion, something that makes me look and feel great. I don’t wear it as often as you might think, but it’s always a pleasure to do it. And ever since I started this blog, it has also become one of my main topics of research and testing. I’m always looking for new make-up products to add in my collection.
If you could only wear four products on your face, what would they be?
Wow, that’s a tough one. But I think I would pick a concealer, a mascara, a matte brown powder and a lip balm (or creamy nude lipstick).
What is your favourite thing about make-up?
I love the power of make-up! I think it’s amazing that we can transform ourselves every time we apply make-up on. It’s fun, exciting, creative and challenging. It can also enhance your self esteem and make you a lot more confident.
What do you think of drugstore vs. high end makeup?
I think you can find great products on both sides, but it’s a hit or miss kind of thing. There are plenty of holy grail products made by drugstore brands, with the same quality as some high-end counterparts. But at the same time, many of them can turn out to be average or even terrible.
You just need to do your research before buying anything. I always read reviews, watch tutorials, check swatches, before purchasing a specific product. From experience, some products are worth more than others (e.g. foundation, concealer). And my past experience with certain brands can be a decisive factor as well.
What is one tip of advice you can give a beginner?
If you’re a beginner, start with baby steps. Use neutral shades, don’t invest too much in beauty products. Start slowly and try to enhance your natural features, instead of covering them up. See what you like, how it looks on your face, and master the basic looks first (cat-eyes, smokey eyes, etc.). You can get inspired from magazines, Instagram, Pinterest. And watch YouTube tutorials, they can be very helpful for beginners.
What is the one make-up trend you’ve never understood?
Well, my pet peeves are extreme over-drawn lips and harsh contouring (where you can barely see the girl under all that make-up). Of course, they can look great on camera, but I’ve seen plenty of these in real life as well. And they don’t look flawless or sexy, just… fake.
What do you think about the beauty community on YouTube (or Blogging Community)?
I think it’s an amazing community, very supportive and helpful. I’ve discovered some gorgeous girls with fantastic skills, I’ve learned a lot from them and I always get inspired to try new things. The ugly part is that on the big channels, there are plenty of haters and drama, but I guess that’s just hard to avoid once you get to a certain level.
What’s your make-up story? 🙂
Ce tag dragut! Si noua ne place Makeup Revolution, avem si noi paleta si o folosim destul de des 🙂
Multumesc frumos! Da, e super OK calitatea si pigmentatia fardurilor, imi plac mult. Ma tenteaza sa imi cumpar si paleta Fortune Favors the Brave, are niste culori superbe. Kisses
Si eu am inceput tot cu Ruby Rose, nu stiu acum, dar atunci era foarte bune, aveau palete foarte variate, cred ca si acum mai am cateva pe la mama, mi-a fost mila sa le arunc de dragul amintirilor, am si ambalaje goale de parfumuri de pe vremea aia :))
Daa, pe atunci gaseam produse de machiaj doar prin cateva magazine mici din oras, si Ruby Rose era peste tot. Imi amintesc ca aveam o paleta cu nuante intense (verde, roz, albastru) si una cu nuante de maro, pe care o mai foloseam din cand in cand. Dar nu le mai am, le-am aruncat pe la inceputul facultatii, cand am inceput sa mai descopar si alte brand-uri 😀
Mersi de comment, te mai astept pe blog! Kisses
Si eu tot cam atunci am inceput cu make-up-ul, dar mai mult pentru ca aveam probleme pe ten pe care imi doream sa le acopar. Si pentru ca am inceput sa ascult rock si purtam eyeliner negru la greu. Albastrul nu prea m-a atras, insa turcoazul..Daaa! :))
Hello Ira! Da, stiu ce zici. Eu foloseam doar dermatograf, prima data cand am pus mana pe eyeliner lichid a fost abia pe la sfarsitul liceului si foloseam ceva de la Kallos 🙂 Nu stiu ce aveam eu cu albastrul, dar mi se parea atat de fascinant, il tot purtam pe la reuniuni, chefuri si alte evenimente. Oh god, acum cand imi amintesc, imi vine sa ma ascund undeva de rusine :)) Te pup
Nice tag, i should do it as well
Hello Sabina! It’s really fun, you should definitely do it 🙂
this is kinda cool! I’ll do it too, if you don’t mind.
Hi Ad! Sure, please do. I want to read your answers too <3 Kisses
Don’t mind me but I will actually be borrowing the tag for my blog.
Hello Irina! Sure, please do. I can’t wait to read your answers 😀 Kisses
A, foarte interesant tag-ul asta. Sigur il voi face si eu, at some point. Si eu cred ca, mai ales pentru chestiile de baza, putem sa apelam la youtube. Eu asa am si prins disperarea asta cu machiajul, uitandu-ma la zeci de tutoriale. 🙂
Daa, si eu ❤ Am invatat multe chestii misto de pe YouTube. Dupa ce faci tag-ul, sa imi lasi apoi un link sa il citesc please, sunt tare curioasa de raspunsurile tale 🙂 Kisses
Brilliant tag, I’ve loved reading your answers! Totally agree with the drama part, the blogging community is full of ponies and rainbows. 🙁
is *NOT* full of ponies and rainbows. I wish it was like that tho.
Thank you! Glad you liked it, please feel free to take over the tag on your blog ❤
I agree, most of the drama is useless and doesn’t benefit anyone, but sadly I think it won’t stop anytime soon. The so-called “freedom of self-expression” can be wildly misunderstood by some people 🙂
Great answers Isabela! I loved reading them. I totally agree with your tips for beginners! 🙂
Nicole | The Glam Surge
Thank you, dear Nicole! ❤ Kisses