
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

New Fall Make-up Look: Copper Red Eyeliner & Golden Shimmer Lips

Hello lovelies! How are you today? I thought it would be fun to show you another fall make-up look, I really hope you’ll like it.

So I created a soft brown smokey eye, with copper red eyeliner and golden shimmer lips. To spice things up, I used lip products on the eyes, and eye products on the lips, ha ha. Just to experiment a bit and get out of my comfort zone.

I love the final result, and I can see myself wearing this look more often. It works well for both a day and a night look, depending on what your plans are. The colors I used are perfect for fall and they really make green/ blue eyes stand out.


Prime your lids first

To start off the make-up, we need a base for the eyelids. So I used the NYX Concealer HD (Light), to cover up the veins and even up the color. Then I applied the Max Factor Creme Puff Pressed Powder, to set everything in place.

The final step is to apply a white eyeshadow all across the lid, with a flat brush.


Use brown & burgundy shades

For the eye make-up, I used the Makeup Revolution Girls on Film Palette. I applied “Give Me Shudders” in the crease, as a transition shade, and then I used the “Frenzy All Down Your Spine” all across the mobile lid. In the outer corner, I used “So Bright” and blended everything well together.

With an eyeliner brush, I took the NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream, in the shade Copenhagen, and draw a thin cat-eye. This served as an eyeliner base, but it wasn’t pigmented enough, so I had to come back with the shade “Polaroid Heaven” to give more definition to the look. On the lower lashline, I applied: the dark shade on the outer corner, the copper brown in the middle, and then the burgundy eyeliner.

I also used the Melkior Eyeliner Khol Kajal on the upper and lower waterline. I completed the look with two coats of the Melkior Extra Volume Mascara. The last step was defining the brows with the Makeup Revolution Focus & Fix Eyebrow Kit (Medium Dark).


Create a flawless base

On the face, I applied the Max Factor Liquid Illusion Foundation (Creamy Ivory 040).

To cover up the dark under-eye circles and to lighten up the T-zone, I used the Light Beige concealer shade from my Wibo Concealer Palette. And to set the foundation, I applied some Max Factor Creme Puff Pressed Powder (05 Translucent).

For a subtle contouring, I used Hoola Bronzer and the Sleek Face Contour Kit (Light).


Make your lips pop

Finally, for the lips, I decided to use the Sleek Matte Me liquid lipstick in the shade Birthday Suit. On top of that, I applied the shade “Lights Flashing” from the eyeshadow palette, gently blending it with my finger. And voila, here you have the golden shimmery lips 🙂


I really like the final result, it’s a nice alternative to the usual black eyeliner and nude lips.

What do you think about this look? Where would you wear it?


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28 Comment

  1. Imi place tare mult look ul acesta, iti sta foarte bine si culorile acestea neutre sunt preferatele mele. Le consider potrivite pt sezonul acesta si nu numai.

    1. Hello Raluca! Multumesc, ma bucur ca iti place. Eu port nuante neutre foarte des, mi se pare ca ma avantajeaza si arata foarte bine, indiferent de ocazie sau de sezon. Te pup, o zi frumoasa!

  2. imi place foarte tare nuanta pe care ai folosit-o pe post de liner.
    e perfecta pentru toamna si te prinde foarte bine la ochii tai verzi 🙂
    x Denisa

    1. Multumeesc ❤️ Pai fac pozele in format RAW si apoi le trec prin Photoshop, sa ajustez contrastul, temperatura si alte detalii de genul asta. Si cam atat pentru cele de pe blog. Pentru Instagram & stuff mai folosesc si VSCO, Aviary sau Pixlr. Te pup, o zi faina!

  3. Wow, although you look great, I don’t think I have the courage to try this (lip products on the eyes and viceversa). This look is so natural and it really suites you! I have the extra volume mascara from Melkior and the contour kit from Sleek and I love them. Kisses 😙

    1. Thank you, dear Elena! You should give it a try some time. Who knows, maybe you end up liking the final result <3 And yes, the contour kit is awesome, it's so pigmented and creamy. Kisses

  4. Ah, ce dragut, imi place si machiajul tau si am vazut si multe produse pe care eu le folosesc zi de zi, concealerul de la NYX si pudra de la Max Factor. 😀

    1. Ma bucur ca iti place, dear Adela! Fac o treaba tare buna ambele produse pe care le-ai mentionat, mai ales concealerul. Are o acoperire super buna. Daca nu s-ar strange in pliuri dupa cateva ore… ar fi produsul perfect! Te pup, o zi frumoasa sa ai <3

    1. Hello Mihaela! Si mie imi plac mult nuantele neutre, chiar mi se pare ca avantajeaza pe oricine, indiferent de culoarea tenului sau a ochilor. Si de multe ori un machiaj discret e mai fermecator decat unul intens, pentru ca iti scoate in evidenta frumusetea naturala. Te pup si te mai astept pe blog 🙂

  5. Imi place mult culoarea eyelinerului. M-a cam prins si pe mine moda asta in ultima vreme si am folosit tot felul de nuante de fard pe post de eyeliner 😀
    Cat despre buzele metalice..inca nu stiu daca imi plac sau nu, pe mine inca n-am incercat pana acum :))

    1. Multumesc frumos, Ira! Da, e super misto sa experimentezi cu farduri sau rujuri sau alte nebunii pe post de eyeliner 😀 Mai ales ca ma plictisesc repede si nu ar avea sens sa investesc in linere colorate, ca sa le uit apoi prin sertare :))
      Nici eu nu credeam ca ma va prinde trendul asta cu buze metalice, dar se pare ca imi place la nebunie. You should give it a try! Kisses

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