Electric Castle Festival 2016: The Rainy Fairy Tale

So Electric Castle Festival 2016 just happened a couple of weeks ago. I’ve been waiting for this festival for a whole year, and now it’s already done. Every year it’s the same thing: you don’t even realize how fast the time goes when you’re having fun. I wasn’t able to attend the full 4 days this time, […]

The Woman 2016: Smart. Beautiful. Independent

I know I promised on Snapchat that I will let you know very soon about a special event I’m about to attend, so here it is. (If you’re not following me there yet, find me as “bloggerissa”). So next month, on the 10th of March, I will have the pleasure to attend an important female […]

bloggerissa fashion blogger outfit

My one-day holiday @ Picnic in the Park

Last week, we celebrated Labour Day, by… not working, of course 🙂 I had a great day in the park with a couple of friends, I replaced the juicy pork barbeque and beer with a lot of light mint lemonade and grilled chicken breast with salad (and I did the best choice ever – no hangover and no stomach aches for this girl).