Sleek I-Divine Enchanted Forest Eyeshadow Palette – Review & Swatches

Hello fetelor, bine v-am (re)găsit pe blog! Astăzi povestim despre o paletă de farduri de la Sleek MakeUP, pe care mi-am cumpărat-o acum câteva luni de pe Mai exact, este vorba despre Sleek i-Divine Enchanted Forest, o paletă cu farduri mate È™i sidefate în tonuri reci, care mi s-a părut numai bună pentru sezonul rece. Multe […]

Save or Splurge? Make-up products (for girls on a budget)

So, you don’t have a huge budget, but you want to own good make-up products? Say no more, I’m here to help. From my experience, some products are worth investing in, and some are not. So let’s talk about what could you buy with less money, without ruining the quality of your make-up, and what […]