Hair, Skin & Body Care Routine – Spring 2019

Hello, ladies! Era și cazul să revin cu un articol de genul acesta, în care să vă povestesc câte ceva despre produsele mele preferate din ultima perioadă. Am zis să le adun pe toate la un loc, să vă spun una alta despre ce am mai folosit în ultima vreme pentru îngrijirea pielii, a părului […]

Kiehl’s Official Launch in Cluj @ Iulius Mall

Hi lovelies! If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you probably already know that Kiehl’s is finally here in Cluj 🙂 I’ve heard only good things about this brand in the past, so I was very excited to attend the official launch event last week, on May 9th. Until now, Kiehl’s was only available in […]

7 Tips to Get a Clear Glowing Skin

Hi lovelies! I hope you had a great day so far, I was actually quite productive this morning and I feel amazing. Some gym, healthy food and a quick pampering routine were the perfect ingredients for an excellent start of the weekend. So now I decided to tell you a few things about skincare and […]