My Top November Beauty and Fashion Essentials

EN: Hello lovelies! I can’t believe that people are already talking about Christmas presents and parties. I’m still in the autumn phase, can I stay here please? 🙂 Anyway, today I wanted to chat with you about my November essentials. They are just perfect for this fall season, but can also be easily transitioned into […]

summer casual outfit - tshirt and flower print shorts

Summer Casual OOTD: Orange is the new Black

RO: Ne topim de cald. Chiar dacă stăm toată ziua cu geamurile deschise, chiar dacă ne îmbrăcăm foarte subÈ›ire, chiar dacă stăm cu aerul condiÈ›ionat pornit… tot ne topim 🙂 Și aÈ›i observat că fără să depunem prea mult efort, bem peste 2-3 litri de apă pe zi? Că nu se poate altfel. Se pare […]

Little Black Dress Outfit

The Little Black Dress, perfect for any occasion

EN: Hello pretty ladies, how are you? I’m going through so much changes lately, I finally finished college for good (done with my Master’s Degree as well), I’m recovering after four amazing days at Electric Castle Festival (and seriously thinking about going to at least one day at Untold Festival, because why not :D), I’m […]