
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

The Eyeliner Battle: Pen or Marker? Kiko Milano vs. Flormar

Finding the perfect eyeliner is a hard task. There are so many options on the market, on so many price ranges and different formulas. So I decided to make a comparison today between two of the most used eyeliner types: liquid pen vs. marker.

I didn’t include the tube eyeliner here, because I personally believe it’s the best choice ever and I already spoke about it in a previous post. Also, the pencil option is OK, but it usually doesn’t have enough pigmentation and opacity to create that beautiful cat-eye look.

For my comparison, I picked two cool products from my make-up bag: the Flormar Eyeliner Pen and the Kiko Milano Deep Black Eye Marker. Which one is the best? Well, let’s see.

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Flormar Eyeliner Pen

This eyeliner pen has a liquid consistency, but it dries off pretty fast, so you don’t have to wait too much. If you mess up your cat-eye, it’s fine, you can easily make corrections with a small q-tip and micelar water (or concealer).

The product is very opaque and matte. If I want a more dramatic look, I usually I go back with a second layer.

The pen format is easy to use, so it’s my favorite type of liquid eyeliner. The issue is that you need to shake it a bit before use, because the felt-tip can get dry. Just make sure you shake it with its cap on, if you don’t want all that ink to get straight to the floor and the mirror (like I did, ha ha).

Otherwise, it does a good job. It’s long-lasting, so you can wear it all day long without a problem, but if it rains or if you take a quick nap, the cat-eye will be messed up. Since it doesn’t have a waterproof formula, it’s understandable.

The pen tip is sharp and precise, so it gives you a greater control in creating the perfect line. But don’t worry, it’s flexible enough so it doesn’t hurt your lids.

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Quantity: 1ml (0.034 fl oz)
Fragrance free
Availability: 6 months
Made in: Germany
Price: 18 RON (4 euros)
Find it on: (or Polus Center in Cluj)

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Kiko Milano Deep Black Eye Marker

This is an awesome eyeliner, I promise. It’s super easy to use, you don’t need much skills or time to create that perfect winged line. It’s opaque, matte and intense, so it provides a lot of dimension to your eye make-up.

It’s quite affordable, it’s long lasting and it doesn’t smudge at all during the day. What can I say, I don’t have anything bad to say about it. Well, just the fact that you cannot find it in Romania, so you either have to go all the way to Italy to buy it, or order it online and pay the shipping.

Otherwise, I really like it and it’s my go-to eyeliner very often.

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Quantity: 2.4 ml / 0.08 fl. Oz
Fragrance free
Availability: 6 months
Made in: Italy
Price: 2,30 euros (at discount now)
Find it on:

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The conclusion? I love both of them, and I think I’m gonna keep using them in the next few months. However, I find myself grabing the Kiko one more often. It might be because I bough it more recently, or maybe because I find it so easy to use when I’m in a rush.

However, when it comes to an evening make-up, I feel more inclined to use the Flormar liquid pen. I don’t have a specific reason for this, but I think it’s a bit more intense and gives that extra-dimension to my eye make-up.

Both are smudge-proof, both have a great quality for an affordable price. So there is isn’t really a huge difference between them. None of them transfers to the lid (which is soooo important, especially for the girls with oily lids). They are both easy to remove with a double phased make-up remover. Also, you can achieve both a natural and a dramatic look with these eyeliners, it just depends on your preferences.

If we were to compare just the price vs. quantity, then yes, we have a winner. If you buy the Kiko Deep Black Eye Marker, you get more product for a smaller price. Also, the marker probably won’t get dry so fast as the liquid pen, so that’s another thing to take into consideration.

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YOUR TURN: Which is your favorite eyeliner formula? Are you a fan of liquid, marker or tube products? And what is the best eyeliner you have ever tried so far?


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8 Comment

  1. Mi-ar placea si mie sa am un eyeliner preferat, sau sa am un eyeliner… dar cu pleaopele mele cazute nu am absolut nici o sansa:)

    1. Buna Sorana 🙂 Din cate stiu eu, poti purta eyeliner si daca ai pleoapele cazute, doar ca trebuie sa directionezi linia de tus in sus, pentru a avea un efect de ridicare a ochiului. Nu stiu exact cum functioneaza, dar am gasit multe tutoriale pe tema asta pe YouTube, poate te ajuta 🙂 Te pup, o zi faina!

    1. Hey Nati! It’s actually super easy to use, it doesn’t feel heavy at all. While it’s a bit bigger than other similar products, it does a great job, so I’m happy with it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Kisses

    1. Hey Steph. It’s great if you can find Kiko products in the UK, it’s an amazing brand. Let me know how the marker works for you, if you decide to try it. And thanks for stopping by, have a lovely Sunday! Kisses

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