I have to admit that I’m usually not the kind of girl you want to go shopping with. I’m very picky, I always try on a ton of different items before I decide. If I want to buy a pair of jeans, I have to check 10 different stores, you know, just to make sure I have enough options to choose from.
This same thing happened with sunglasses in the past month. I knew I wanted something specific, but nothing seemed to meet my expectations. I tried on a lot of pairs, from C&A, H&M, Zara… etc. They were nice, but not exactly what I wanted.
But here’s the funny part. I was in the mall with my boyfriend the other day, to buy some groceries and stuff like that, and just when I got out I saw THEM. Yeah, the perfect pair of sunglasses was just standing there, in front of me. I tried them on, looked in the mirror, and that was it. I paid and left, and it all happened in a couple of seconds.
You know the saying: there’s a first time for everything. So yeah, these sunglasses mark the first time I actually bought something immediately, without thinking about it too much. Impulsive? Yeah, but it was so worth it.
And now let’s get to the facts and why I wanted these so badly. I have a crush for cat-eye shaped sunglasses (checked), I really wanted them to have mirrored lens (checked), in a cool color (purple & green reflections – checked), and made from a cool fabric (wood – checked). They also have UV 400, so besides being good-looking, they also do their job to protect you from both UVA and UVB light.
My go-to choice in the past few summers were the basic, classic sunglasses, that would match any outfit and fit my face shape. You know the style: black, rectangular, androgynous. And I still love this style, but now I wanted something completely different, something that could become the main element of a look. So you can only imagine how happy I am that I found them 🙂
I bought them from a small stand located in Polus Center, called Talk Talk Accessories. They have plenty of models to choose from, at different price ranges, so you can go and take a look if you are from Cluj.
I also spotted some lovely pairs online, on websites like ZeroUV, Asos and Boohoo.
Mirrored sunglasses are in trend right now, they can completely transform a basic casual outfit and, truth be told, they also look amazing in pictures 🙂 So yeah, I think it’s a must have item this summer.
How does your favorite pair of sunglasses look like? And what other stores do you recommend for buying amazing sunglasses?
P.S. A new post with the full outfit I wore in this pictures will be up very soon, so keep an eye on the blog.
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Si eu sunt innebunita dupa ochelari de soare,pentru mine ei completeaza toate tinutele de vara sunt asa ca un final touch.
Alexandra ~ Impavid Blog
Hello Alexandra 🙂 Ai dreptate, chiar au abilitatea de a transforma orice tinuta, sunt un accesoriu esential. Ma bucur mult ca am gasit perechea asta <3 Kisses
Those are pretty cool sunglasses. I don’t own anything like those! Thanks for sharing!
Ann-Marie | http://facetocurls.com
Thanks, Ann-Marie! I didn’t own anything similar either until now, and I’m so happy I found them ❤️ Have a great weekend, dear!
Frumosi ochelarii.
Multumesc frumos, Cristina 🙂 Ma bucur ca iti plac, eu nu ma mai pot desparti de ei de cand i-am luat ❤️
Ouuu, I need to get my hands on these sunglasses! Love love love.
PS Your hair colour is gorgeous!
Hello Rosie! Glad you like the sunglasses, I am obsessed with them at the moment ❤️ Thanks for stopping by & for your lovely comment 🙂 Kisses
Those sunglasses are so cool! –Hanna Lei
Thanks, Hanna! Glad you like them 🙂