
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

Weekly Reads #14: Beauty Boxes, 2016 Predictions & Nutrition Facts


Hi lovelies! Just a quick list of Weekly Reads today, including: Lady Gaga’s story about why she quit being a pop star; anxiety and the feeling of giving up; wrong facts about nutrition; beauty boxes and predictions for 2016. Enjoy! 🙂

1. Lady Gaga: I Needed To Stop Being a Pop Star or I was Going to Die (Elle)

Worth reading because: It will make you realize that she’s actually an amazing, talented and down-to-earth woman, regardless of her scandalous outfits and image projected on the media.

2. Life Lately: That Feeling of Wanting to Give up (B&B – Beauty and the Baby Blog)

Worth reading because: These sort of feelings might affect us all at a certain point, we might not feel good enough, we might lose motivation, worry about the most insignificant things. And so we might totally relate to Megan’s post.

3. 6 Horrifying Things The Nutrition Industry Won’t Tell You (Cracked)

Worth reading because: We think we know so much about nutrition, about what’s good or bad for us, but actually we don’t. And here’s why.

4. Beauty Boxes: Are They Worth the Money? (Creepers and Cupcakes)

Worth reading: If you want to know what’s all the fuss about beauty boxes and if it’s a good idea to get a subscription or not.

5. Forget Trends. Here are 5 Important Tensions for 2016 and Beyond (Digiday)

Worth reading: If you want to know what’s likely to happen next year, regarding automation vs. people, convenience vs. trust, or digital vs. real connections.

What was your favorite article from last week?






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