
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

Weekly Reads #2

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EN: Hello dear readers, welcome to the second edition of my Weekly Reads post series 🙂

Today I’m sharing a few more articles on blogging, including how to use the fast-rising Snapchat platform and how to be more organized with your blogging schedule; also, we have a life-changing must-read book list, some great down-to-earth advice on how life really works, and also an open letter from a model to all the ladies who want to follow this career. Hope you’ll enjoy them 🙂

RO: Hello dragi cititori 🙂 Ediția de astăzi a seriei Weekly Reads include: un ghid complet de folosire a platformei sociale Snapchat, sfaturile unui model consacrat pentru tinerele care își doresc să urmeze o carieră în modelling, și o mică incursiune în viața unei bloggerițe de beauty. În plus, avem și o listă de cărți care îți pot schimba perspectiva asupra lumii, dar și 6 lucruri neplăcute pe care trebuie să le accepți, pentru a putea deveni o persoană mai bună. Enjoy!

1. 6 harsh truths that will make you a better person (Cracked) – This is one of the best articles I’ve read on this topic, and I really think you should read it. It’s not new, in fact, in was published in 2012, but everything still applies to this day.

Worth reading because: unlike many other pieces on self-development topics, which are pure bullshit and don’t teach you anything new, this one actually makes a lot of sense. You might not like what David is saying, but it will change your perspective on life and yes, make you a better person, as the title suggests.

2. Snapchat 101: Marketing for Bloggers and Businesses (The Hungry Partier) – I’m just starting up with my Snapchat account and I obviously started looking for tips and advice on how to use this platform. So this article was very helpful for me.

Worth reading because: If you want to know more about this app, how it works and why you should join, this is a very comprehensive guide. You’ll find almost everything you need to know about stories, snaps and live events, and also how to grow a following. (I’m still a newbie, but you can find me at @bloggerissa).

3. Letter for a future model (Fica Bălăncan) – This Romanian beauty has a great experience in the modelling world and also has a passion for writing, so this article sums up her top 5 pieces of advice for young ladies who want to follow this path in life.

Worth reading because: After 8 years in this field, she does have a word to say and this post might open your eyes a bit on how the fascinating world of modelling actually works.

4. A day in the life of a blogger (Jasmine Talks Beauty) – Jasmine is a very talented blogger and she creates great content. In this article we get to see how a day in her life looks like.

Worth reading because: In case you were wondering how much time and effort do bloggers really put in their work, this is a good reference. And if you want to make yourself a blogging schedule, you can get inspired by Jasmine, who is extremely well-organized. Gotta watch and learn 😀

5. 7 books that will change how you see the world (Mark Manson) – The title might sound like click-bait, but I promise it’s not. Actually, I think the books from Mark’s list are very interesting and I’m planning to read them all.

Worth reading because: Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what are the books that really should get your attention, with so many options available on the bookstore shelves. So this selection is perfect if you’re actually looking for awesome, mind-blowing books that will shape your view and knowledge of the world.

Did you enjoy these articles? Which one’s your favorite? And what would be your top picks from last week? Share them in the comment box below, I’m always happy to discover new interesting posts :)


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