
Beauty & Lifestyle Blogger from Cluj

Weekly Reads #9: Photography Tips, Fashion Month and Hate Online


Hello dear readers! This a sad Monday for us in Romania, maybe you saw the news, I won’t talk about it because I feel it wouldn’t help in any way. I wanted to post some new stuff this weekend, but it felt too wrong to talk about beauty products and outfits, in such a tragic context.

However, this week I promise I will publish some new posts, so you might want to follow me on Bloglovin to make sure you don’t miss ’em. Until then, I will leave you now with my Weekly Reads, and this edition includes: brands approach towards bloggers, psycho girlfriends, dealing with haters, beginner photography tips and memorable fashion month moments. So snuggle up in bed and enjoy!

1. How Bloggers Like to Be Approached by Brands (Chapter Friday)

Worth reading because: We all know those e-mails that start with “Dear Web Admin…” and have an insanely long list of requests for a sponsored post. This is not how a brand (or a PR agency) should approach a blogger, if they really want to have a productive collaboration. But what is it that bloggers want? I would say: common sense. And this article includes 7 common sense rules that brands should follow in such circumstances.

2. How I Deal With Hate Online (In The Frow)

Worth reading because: Exposing yourself online means a lot of people get to see what you do, wear, drink, or think about a certain topic. And while some might like it and agree with you, many people will just find their way to criticize you. They’ll say you wear too much make-up / you’re arrogantugly/ fat/ annoying… you name it. So it’s really important to understand how to deal with this sort of online behaviour, and why you should never let it ruin your self-confidence.

3. Can We Just Ditch the Psycho Girlfriend Label Already? (Fashion Slave)

Worth reading because: First of all, you will just love the illustrations (featuring sick, psycho Barbie dolls). And Sophie’s article is very interesting, I know many women have the constant fear of saying what they want and what bothers them, only because they are worried of being labeled as a crazy bitch by their partners. Which is not exactly healthy, and you’ll see why.

4. Photography as a Complete Beginner (Lola and Behold)

Worth reading because: If you’re just starting out as a blogger, or recently bought a new DSLR camera and don’t really know what to do with it, this article is a good start. Without getting too technical, it gives you some great tips that you can use in order to take amazing pictures.

5. 12 Memorable Fashion Month Moments (NY Times)

Worth reading because: It’s a great summary of the madness that happened during Fashion Month: the falls, the ups and downs, the Versace come-back, the Kanye race, and some other memorable moments that marked this years’s FW editions.

Which was your favorite article from last week?







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