Let’s party! Hai la We Love Retro, pe 20 Octombrie, în Cluj

Hello, ladies! Astăzi nu povestim despre beauty sau make-up, ci vreau să vă spun mai multe despre un eveniment tare șmecher care va avea loc weekend-ul viitor în Cluj, la Sala Polivalentă (sâmbătă, în 20 octombrie). Este vorba despre We Love Retro, un eveniment aflat la cea de-a 5-a ediție, cu… ați ghicit! Muzică retro, […]

#UndeGasim: Clatite delicioase in Cluj

Hello, fetelor! Bine ați (re)venit pe blog 🙂 Continuăm seria #UndeGasim cu un articol despre clătite, pentru că… oh well, everyone loves pancakes! Am participat recent la un eveniment de lansare a unui nou local în Cluj, care se numește Yep’n’Yo. Dacă mă urmăriți pe Instagram, cu siguranță ați văzut ce am făcut pe acolo […]

What’s in My Bag? 2017 Edition

Hello lovelies! This week I’m back with a new video 😍 Every woman has a lot of crazy stuff in her bag, so I thought I should update my old blog post and show you what’s currently in my bag. The bag I’ve been wearing in the past few months is from Stradivarius. I like […]

August Favorites | Make-up, Books & Movies

Hi lovelies! I can’t believe it’s already September. I have no idea where did the summer go, and when, but oh well 🙂 Today I’m gonna show you a couple of my August faves, ’cause it’s a been a while since my last favorites post. If you love watching videos, just hit the play button, […]

Kiehl’s Official Launch in Cluj @ Iulius Mall

Hi lovelies! If you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you probably already know that Kiehl’s is finally here in Cluj 🙂 I’ve heard only good things about this brand in the past, so I was very excited to attend the official launch event last week, on May 9th. Until now, Kiehl’s was only available in […]